The baby that wasn’t ours…

Three Christmases ago, we were excitedly waiting to hear if a little boy would be our son. The situation was perfect for us in a lot of ways. We had a boy name picked out, and I wondered out loud if this boy would be our son. I bought a onesie for our son, and I told myself that it was ok to buy for our future child even if this child wasn’t him. I remember being so excited and wanting to tell our family. But, we hadn’t been chosen or even asked to talk to the expectant mother. There wasn’t really anything to celebrate. We’d been down this road before, and we didn’t want our families to be as disappointed as we had been. That boy would not be our son. It was disappointing not to be picked. Again.

But, we could never have guessed that we would be chosen to parent a little girl less than a month later. And that the whirlwind of parenthood would soon begin.

I sometimes wonder how close we were to living a different path with a different child. It’s humbling and terrifying all rolled up into one. Our little E is amazing, and I can’t imagine a life where she isn’t ours to love on. I think of that little boy from time to time. I wonder where he is and hope he’s happy and healthy.

To the waiting, hopeful parents, the wait IS hard. There are no guarantees. And no matter what path you’ve chosen, I hope that you get to live the dream, even if it isn’t the one you dreamed yourself. Thinking of you especially now during the holidays when everything can feel like a reminder of what you don’t have. We’ve walked the walk. You are not alone.

Big decisions…

I had a post all ready to go, but a few things have changed in the last week. The holidays are always busy, and I kept putting off posting. It was too Continue reading “Big decisions…”


As the days pass, my hopefulness is coming back and dominating my emotions. This is typical. At least for me. It’s more a pattern at this point. One I haven’t Continue reading “Hopefulness…”

I hid you on Facebook and I’m not sorry…

You want names?

Just in case there are any new readers, Continue reading “I hid you on Facebook and I’m not sorry…”

‘Tis the Season

We blinked and the holiday season was nearly over…it went by so fast! But, we have been staying very busy. Jessica’s Continue reading “‘Tis the Season”

Bing Bang Boom!

A belated Happy Fourth to everyone! We had a busy holiday weekend with friends and family and so Continue reading “Bing Bang Boom!”

Day 31: Favorite Holiday

Favorite Holiday. Our favorite holiday is Christmas! While Christmas has changed since being children, we still enjoy having family traditions and making new ones. We look forward to celebrating holidays with a little one and making new family traditions as our family grows. 

Christmas: The Season of Family

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We sure were busy, but it was definitely one for the holiday books. We saw some of Chris’s family we hadn’t seen in much too long, and we hope Continue reading “Christmas: The Season of Family”

“We’ll do what millionaires do!” {Jess}

Kids always bring out the inner kids in us. And no two better kids to be kids with than E and K (our cousins).

So, what do you do when you have two kids almost solely by yourself for two days? Continue reading ““We’ll do what millionaires do!” {Jess}”


We’ve been spending time with friends and family and prepping for holiday festivities, so this post got away from us. So, a belated Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Continue reading “Thankful”