Where’s The Recipes?

Despite the name of our blog, we rarely post recipes here. I know, I know! What’s with the name?

We do like to cook and bake. So, I’ll admit the idea stemmed from that, but recipes, even for the same dish, come in a variety of forms, with special ingredients and spices.

Families are no different! Families are formed in a variety of ways. Mom. Dad. Two moms. Two dads. Single parents. Step families. Half siblings. Families built through adoption. Domestic infant adoption. International adoption. Foster adoption. Birth families. Adoptive families. Foster families. Families built with the use of fertility treatments. IUI babies. IVF babies. Egg donors. Sperm donors. Embryo donors. Embryo recipients. Genetic families. Donor families. (And, I’ve probably forgotten a few!) 

Ultimately, love makes a family, and the adjectives don’t matter.

Our family is shaping up to be an eclectic one! We adopted our daughter in 2018 and are now pursuing embryo “adoption.” We won’t be genetically related to our children, and they will have become part of our family in their own unique way. Our family recipe is unique and special.

Even if you stumbled across our blog looking for great family food recipes, we hope you’re aren’t discouraged and stick around.